One Woman Circus ~ Sand Northrup en Home intro <p><span class="right"><img class="image _original" src="/sites/" border="0" width="36" height="29" /></span>Juggler, unicyclist, stilter and clown Sand Northrup brings a flare for the fabulous to any festive occasion. Planning a gala, festival, school event, conference or opening? One Woman Circus offers a wealth of entertainment and educational options to enliven your event. Available en Français or English, and the Language of Laughter.</p> <ul> <li> physical comedy with circus flare for stage, street or events.</li> <li>interactive children’s performances for schools, festivals and businesses.</li> <li>roving comic characters to animate any occasion.</li> <li>customised comedy for corporate and seasonal events.</li> <li>Mobile Circus School featuring circus arts activities for all ages.</li> </ul> <p>  </p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p> Wed, 26 Mar 2008 01:45:14 +0000 jeffl 6 at